The Front Runner
“The world changes when young people give a damn,” Gary Hart (Hugh Jackman) Brexit and Trump. We are currently saturated with politics. Have we got to this situation because too many voters over decades were complacent/selfish/foolish? THE FRONT RUNNER, unfolding in the 1980s, hones in on a sea change that offers one examination of the modern world: Politics as entertainment. As media blood sport. THE FRONT RUNNER is political tragedy. Are we going to see more of these pieces from Hollywood in the coming years? Contemporary films are perhaps too much to ask for in a daily news cycle barely able to keep up. More FRONT RUNNERs showcasing missed opportunities would be welcome. [To read more, click here.] |
The Upside
“Have you ever taken care of anybody?” Phillip (Bryan Cranston) A completely unnecessary remake of the French film, THE INTOUCHABLES (2011), but THE UPSIDE ends up winning you over with charisma and charm. Of course it helps that Bryan Cranston, Kevin Hart and Nicole Kidman are part of the cast. Based on a true story, but transported to America, it is about a bromance across class, race and disability. Okay, it is sentimental (which normally I intensely dislike), but the film does not patronise. When you look at your dearest amigos, what do they all have in common? THE UPSIDE touches on, with broad brushstrokes, what true friendship is: The ability to be painfully honest with one another, loyalty, and your life enhanced because they are in it. [To read more, click here.] |