Molly's Game
“You missed the point by miles, but that’s okay,” Molly Bloom (Jessica Chastain) From A FEW GOOD MEN to THE WEST WING to THE NEWSROOM to THE SOCIAL NETWORK, writer Aaron Sorkin has created a brand of fast paced, highly articulate dialogue. It is a joy to listen to. His projects have suffered though from the feeling that dialogue is interchangeable, i.e. any of the characters could be spouting it. All his players pretty much sound the same. And look the same. There is a distinct lack of racial diversity to these projects. MOLLY’S GAME redresses these two issues. The characters are distinctive, and there is Idris as co-lead. When you love 1930s screwball comedies such as THE PHILADELPHIA STORY, where words fly like machine gun bullets, it is also a relief that for Sorkin’s directorial debut not only has he not slowed down rate of sentences, but arguably even increased it. Keep up. Thank you for not aiming at the lowest common denominator. [To read more, click here.] |