Love & Mercy
“If you repeat a mistake every bar, it’s not a mistake,” Brian Wilson (Paul Dano) Co-written by Oren Moverman, scripter on one of the great biopics, not just music biopics, of all time, I’M NOT THERE. Again, like the Bob Dylan story, the pat, bland life story has been eschewed. LOVE & MERCY is a breath of fresh air in world cinema. Too often an entire person’s existence is condensed into movie-length – not enough time to delve deeply into a subject usually worth analysis. Generic examples include WALK THE LINE and RAY. Instead look to the likes of SELMAand RAGING BULL. [To read more, click here.] |
The Cobbler
“I don’t understand any of this,” Max Simkin (Adam Sandler) Really Mr Sandler, that’s a surprise. Spending an entire career being shocked/confused wore thin a long time ago. Each time you think he can’t make another atrocious film, Sandler delivers a further stinker. In 2014 it should have all been so different. MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN had him in Jason Reitman’s usually assured hands, but audiences were drowned in mawkishness. Now Thomas McCarthy (THE STATION AGENT, WIN WIN) founders. [To read more, click here.] |