D: Fabrice Du Welz (Message from the King, Alléluia, Vinyan, Calvaire).
S: Benoît Poelvoorde, Laurent Lucas, Gwendolyn Gourvenec.
Grates on a number of levels. Tediously shot. Jittery-cam is so tired. Padded runtime. Etc.
EARTHQUAKE BIRD [embargo world premiere]
D: Atom Egoyan (Remember, The Captive, Devil’s Knot, Chloe, Adoration, Where the Truth Lies, Ararat, The Sweet Hereafter, Exotica).
S: Laysla De Oliveira, Tennille Read, David Thewlis, Luke Wilson.
Looks and sounds like a daytime TV movie. I keep hoping director Atom Egoyan will return to his ARARAT [2002] form.