D: Alfonso Cuarón (Gravity, Children of Men, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Y Tu Mamá También).
S: Yalitza Aparicio, Marina de Tavira, Diego Cortina Autrey, Carlos Peralta, Marco Graf.
For me, 2018's biggest cinema disappointment. Are the themes being articulated in a particularly surprising way? Parsimonious characterisation. Director Alfonso Cuarón's trademark technical prowess is shifted to the background.
D: Olivier Assayas (Personal Shopper, Clouds of Sils Maria, Something in the Air, Carlos, Summer Hours).
S: Guillaume Canet, Juliette Binoche, Vincent Macaigne, Christa Théret.
Is this director Olivier Assayas's funniest film? There's even an OCEAN'S 12 Julia Roberts-style meta joke. Ostensibly concerning the publishing industry, but the film is about so much more.