Nine things we learned:
- The point of doing a horror story is to upset the apple cart.
- Was driving to New York with the first print of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD when he heard on the radio that Martin Luther King has been assassinated.
- Romero could have shot NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD in 16mm and colour, but chose 35mm and black & white - more evocative. The film cost $115,000, and made $700,000 in its first year. NIGHT is about the disintegration of the family unit.
- His take on zombies, he calls "my guys", are the recently dead, not strong enough to dig themselves out of the grave.They don't eat brains because can't get through the skull.
- MARTIN is the favourite of his films; KNIGHTRIDERS the most personal - is about bucking the system, sticking to your guns.
- Romero wouldn't be on the stage right now if not for Dario Argento (who is in the audience). Had an idea for DAWN OF THE DEAD. Invited by Argento, went to Rome, Finished the script there.
- DAWN OF THE DEAD remake has taken title but not concept - commentary on consumerism. Not a fan of THE CRAZIES remake. Says hard when purpose of original and remake is wholly at odds, even though well crafted.
- Is working right now with Marvel on comic: EMPIRE OF THE DEAD - vampires and zombies fighting over food source.
- Only has one or two films left in him he think.