THE TASTE OF MONEY ★★★☆☆ Im Sang-soo delivers another heavy-handed capitalism as feudalism tale. Starts strong, descends into histrionics.
THE FIFTH ESTATE ★★★☆☆ In light of Alex Gibney's excellent documentary WE STAEL SECRETS: THE STORY OF WIKILEAKS, the Benedict Cumberbatch starred feels slightly shallow. Does capture some of the importance of the debate though.
ESCAPE PLAN ★★½☆☆ Was rooting for the Stallone-Schwarzenegger team up to be at least moderately decent. Unfortunately, it was predictable and uninspired. Their charisma and likability prevents boredom.
WALESA: MAN OF HOPE ★★★½☆ Director Andrzej Wajda tells the important story of Lech Walesa's struggle for justice in Poland over the course of some 20 years. An interview structure permits the jumping over time to be relevant. Not a hagiography, but one cannot but be impressed by the man.