My review:
Bonkers and entertaining crime flick, COLD IN JULY, opens in the UK on Friday.
My review: EARTH TO ECHO is a derivative and inept family adventure out next month.
My review: Out to own today: Her![]() “Play different melancholy song,” Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix) Falling in love with your computer operating system is not so far-fetched, right? No? Ahem. Even if you’re not a technophile, by the end of the fabulous HER one is pretty confident you’ll empathise. Delivering a work of fiction that feels truthful about connecting romantically is too rare. Wish fulfilment is the common modus operandi. Portraying the ideal is easier than grappling with the real. What a year 2013 was for the cinema of heartache! See BLUE IS THE WARMEST COLOUR or GLORIA or THE GREAT BEAUTY. [To read more, click here.] Stalingrad![]() “It’s impossible to wage war against you people,” Peter Kahn (Thomas Kretschmann) STALINGRAD might just have created a new subgenre: 3D war porn. And by that, one means stunning combat presentation more appropriate for a vacuous action flick than for a serious Second World War film. Stylish eye-candy carnage sits uneasily alongside cheesy melodrama and merciless brutality, in this take on the siege of the Russian city. Video game analogies are not out of place. I’m looking at you, ‘Call of Duty’ and ‘Battlefield’. [To read more, click here.] JERSEY BOYS ★☆☆☆☆
Clint Eastwood directs his first musical, an adaptation of the play, and it is a stinker. My review: MAD MEN creator Matthew Weiner's directorial debut has been renamed, from YOU ARE HERE to ARE YOU HERE. Our review is *ahem* here. Geddit? (We'll get our coat.) The trailer: HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 ★★★★☆
Breathtaking animation, best since KUNG FU PANDA 2. Miyazaki-like wonder. Plot needed a re-think though. |
This website is written by Hemanth Kissoon.
Filmaluation is dedicated to arts culture, with a particular focus on film. I care about intelligence, quality and entertainment. Need some movie and TV show recommendations? See the drop down to the right of the Home tab. Enjoy. The vital ambitions of art and entertainment: - Perceptiveness - Illumination - The unexpected - Innovation Brains and soul are key; but adrenaline junkies do not fret, there is also much love for an experience that delivers a sucker-punch to the guts via stunningly delivered thrills. Noun, “filmaluation”: The evaluation of a film Verb, "to filmaluate”: To evaluate a film I am well aware how difficult it is to make a film, put on a stage play, create a television show, write a novel, let alone make something of note. (That appreciation doesn’t stop me from having high standards though.) This online magazine is edited by Hemanth Kissoon. Filmaluation is owned by Filmaluation Limited (Company number 8549302. Registered in England and Wales) Archives
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